The opioid crisis has to end.
The opioid crisis has to end.
Every day, 130 Americans die from overdosing on opioids. It is a national crisis that impacts public health and social welfare across the entire spectrum of age, race, and class. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the annual economic burden of prescription opioid abuse at more than $78 billion in healthcare costs, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and crime.
Obviously, what we are doing as a nation to address this crisis is not working. The need is huge for a revolutionary approach in radically new ideas, products, and services to stop the cycle and prevent these tragic consequences. It is indeed time for a new day in the fight against opioids.
It is exceedingly rare for a publicly listed company to drastically and dramatically reinvent itself into an entirely new endeavor. But that is exactly what is happening here. Shifting course from its principal legacy business, the core leadership team of Appliance Recycling Centers of America will turn its vast arsenal of management expertise, entrepreneurial vision, and private-sector resources toward ending the opioid epidemic.
As a newly reimagined NASDAQ-listed company investing across a wide range of advocacy initiatives, technology, and pharmaceutical opportunities, JanOne seeks to become recognized as the leading pioneer and provider of innovative solutions to help end the opioid epidemic by any and all viable means. JanOne is the new day we have all been waiting for.
Our task was to visualize a brand identity that effectively conveys a bold new enterprise capable of this level of inspired innovation.
The name JanOne is the embodiment of hope for the future: it is the first day of a new year—a day of resolution, optimism, and commitment to change. We wanted to allow that powerful metaphor to speak for itself. The strong, clean lines of the logotype were intentionally chosen to create a straightforward simplicity that doesn’t get in the way of the name’s meaning.
The signature color palette reinforces the theme of hope, warmth, and optimism. The bold orange and gold colors are the vibrant hues of dawn, unmistakable and immediately recognizable to anyone on the planet.
The logotype also blends the J and 1 into a distinctive standalone icon strong enough to carry the company identity on its own. This can be used as a highly effective branding tool in a wide array of applications.
The result is an overall visual system that is bold and memorable but also provides a neutral canvas broad enough to allow the JanOne identity to evolve in new directions as the company grows.

JanOne’s mission is to end opioid use in our lifetime—and to make sure that one day soon, society will be able to rely on effective drugs that kill only pain, not people.